
Friday, November 27, 2009

ING Black Friday Sale!

While I cannot take advantage of it (I already have accounts with them), ING is offering some nice deals for Black Friday.

  1. $121 for opening an Electric Orange account. Code: EOSAVE
  2. An extra 25 basis points on 12 month CD's
  3. Savings on Closing Costs.


Good Luck and have a great weekend.

Black Friday – Our Purchases

Since we are in for the day, our black Friday spending is done. This is how we did:

Planned Purchases: As planned, we purchased a Christmas tree and a few things to go with it. Although Lowes had a great deal on one tree, we preferred a different model and went with it. The other planned purchase was Madden 2010 for my nephew at Best Buy.

Unplanned Purchases: At Lowes, I picked up a shopvac and a few clams for my workshop. On the upside, I saved about $100 compared to retail. On the downside, I wasn't planning on making the purchases until Spring. Otherwise, our only "slurge" was a Harry Potter DVD for my wife.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black Friday Spending Plan

  1. Best Buy – Christmas present for my nephew – Madden 2010;
  2. Lowes – my wife and I have had our eye on a Christmas tree. It looks like it is on sale.

Otherwise, we are going to keep things under control.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Won Election - Hard Work 4 No Pay

For the past few weeks, I haven't been posting much. I have been preparing for my new part-time job as an elected official. Starting in January, I will be giving up 2 nights per month (plus preparation time) to serve my community.

While I will not be getting paid, I am really excited about the opportunity and doing the work.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eyeglasses – Saved $250

Because my wife is on my company's Vision plan, we were able to save $250 on her new glasses and frames. Adding her to my plan costs us $1 per month. Not a bad payoff on a $12 investment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Increasing Adsense Income?

If someone could recommend a good book/blog that provides information on how to increase blog income, I would greatly appreciate it.