
Monday, February 4, 2008

Thoughts on Gambling

Like many people, I put a few bucks on my office Super Bowl pool. Luckily, I hit the number (Pats 7 and Giants 3) for 2 quarters and got a nice check out of it.

Despite my good fortune, a key moment drove home the “pain” suffered by serious gamblers. At the end of the first quarter, it looked like I was in the money as the Pats moved towards a score. Unfortunately, they stopped with ONE INCH to go and allowed the quarter to run out. Bottom line – one inch stood between a payday and me

For me, any winnings were “found” money and it was all fun and games. For the degenerate gambler, that one-inch could change his/her life. Imagine betting $10K on the Pats, because it is a sure thing. $50K on the over because nobody can stop Moss and Brady.

Out there, some poor man/woman lost rent/food/mortgage money on the game. For them and their affliction, I say a prayer.

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