In an era a frugality, getting the most of one's credit card reward programs is an important way to save revenues. As a Fidelity Brokerage customer, their new 2% cash back program seemed like a good idea and I signed up.
The Amex branded card is actually a card offered by FIA Card Services. Although FIA Card Services is one of the largest credit card issuers in the country, their website is a travesty.
- They do not offer the ability to download transactions directly to Quicken (automatically or manually).
- They do not offer any way to contact them electronically.
Otherwise, the product does offer what it promises. For every $2,500 spent, they will deposit $50 in my brokerage account.
Nevertheless, I think I am going to use my Amex Blue for most spending. Because a large % of our monthly spending is Gas and Groceries, I end up earning 5% on most of my spending (after getting past the threshold).
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